Thursday, April 30, 2009

No Makeup Required

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Prov. 17:17 (NIV)

Two weeks ago I had the joy of spending a “girls’ weekend” with 4 of my dearest friends from college. I’m taking a huge risk here posting the above picture. I figured if the title was “NO MAKEUP REQUIRED” the picture should match. Lucky for my girlfriends, they are beautiful inside and out, even without makeup.  Who knew when we all met in welcoming “life groups”, and dormitory hallways that 20 years and 17 children later we would be spending a blessed weekend together.

What a weekend it was! It included all of the essentials of a relaxing weekend with girlfriends: food, jammies, manicures, magazines, laughter and tears (just a few). We discussed children, marriage and ministry. I believe it was our first evening together when one word was spoken that struck deep into my heart and changed the weekend for me. “Authentic!” The next morning as I was spending time with the Lord, He spoke that same word again to me. “Heather, Be authentic!” I think most of us face this challenge of authenticity at some point in our lives. We’re often intimidated and insecure, feeling we have to be someone other than who we truly are or others may not love us. I realized I had stepped into my girls’ weekend just that way. I hadn’t seen them all in 5 years. I’d better look right, sound right, and act right. Luckily, the weekend had just begun and my attitude quickly changed. I decided to just be myself. After all, these women have known me for 20 years. Twenty years of bad hair days and fashion mistakes (what’s up with the floral overalls???) and they still love me. After a weekend of looking through old photo albums, living without makeup and heart to heart conversations, I am convinced more than ever that these girls are true friends. They love me for who I am. They love me at all times….even without makeup.

What a blessing to know that their love is a reflection of Christ in them. Christ, the one friend, greater than any other, who loves me even at my absolute worst. With others, I can put on makeup and a smile and appear to be lovable. I can hide the fear, pain, insecurity and even sin. But He sees beyond the surface, past my smile to my heart. He knows me to the core of my being and loves me deeper still. In fact, He’d rather me drop the makeup at the door and come to Him as I am, imperfections and all. For it’s when the makeup is removed that He is finally able to reflect His own beauty through me. What a relief! With Him, I can be myself… No Makeup Required!

Thanks friends for a weekend of refreshing encouragement. I believe it was a time truly appointed by God. I love you all dearly!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

He Sees You!

“From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.” Psalm 33:13-15
“But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,” Psalm 33:18

The beautiful little boy in the above picture is Connor Robertson. Connor is three years old, has down syndrome and is an absolute, living miracle. You can read more about his miracle life at his blog, I have the privilege of being “Auntie Heather” to Connor and his siblings, 2 year old Mackenzie & 7 month old Alex. We like to say that even though I am not “auntie” by blood, I am “auntie” by love.

Because they live in Washington state and I live near Washington DC we don’t get to see each other…..ever. SO, when I found myself with the joy of spending a weekend in the Seattle area with college girlfriends (A completely different post is coming on that soon.), I arranged my travel schedule to spend a day with Connor and his family. What a blessing it was!!!

Connor’s mommy, Lori, and I have one of those rare, click as soon as you meet each other, sisters in Christ, heart strings tied together forever kind of relationships. I can tell you that she is truly one of the most amazing women of God I know. A day in the Robertson home will prove the God given strength, patience and love she possesses and expresses to her family. My one day in their life was a joy. Lori’s day after day can be “trenches” living. Any parent can imagine that. But imagine adding to it the care for a precious little boy who’s down syndrome and accompanying medical needs have slowed development so much that it is almost impossible to see whether he understands the love and effort you are pouring into his little life. He can’t say “I love you” or run to her and wrap his arms around her neck in excitement. There are times when his mommy feels unseen and heart-broken. Not long after she had shared this with me, she left the room for a few minutes. As I sat on the floor, playing with Connor and his sister, I noticed his eyes focus on the doorway every minute or so. I realized he was waiting for mommy to come through that door. Later, when she again had to leave the room, he became very agitated, calming only when she returned. His source of love and security is his mommy. She had never seen that and never would have known had I not been there to see it and tell her. When I did, the expression on her face was worth more than gold. It was almost as though Connor was saying, “I love you” with his own little voice. His actions showed that he does receive her love and a sense of security from her.

Even greater than Connor “seeing” his mommy, is that Christ sees and receives every bit of love and care she gives each and every day. Even if Connor never expresses, “Thank you!” or “I love you!” Christ does.

Have you ever been in the midst of “trenches” living? Have you ever felt that you pour out yourself, maybe even for the Lord, and nobody sees? You question if harvest will ever come from your sowing. Does anybody care? Maybe you’ve even questioned if God cares. Let me assure you, He does! Every bit of love you pour out, every tear you cry, and every drop of sweat you shed in His work is seen. And should you never see the harvest or reward in this life, you will when you see Him.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Want To Hold His Hand

“If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” Luke 9:26 (NIV)

This morning, as I walked my 7 year old son to the bus stop, I found myself wishing the walk could be a little longer. I know the day will come when he won’t want to be seen holding his mom’s hand and giving her a kiss goodbye. But for now, he wouldn’t have it any other way, and neither would I. It’s not that he hasn’t thought it to be a bit embarrassing. In fact, the first day of the school year, when I kissed him before he boarded the bus, he embarrassedly whispered, “MOM!” and looked around. I quickly apologized, recognizing his need for independence. I watched as he considered the situation in his young mind and signaled me down toward him. I leaned down, expecting a whisper in my ear. Much to my surprise, I received a kiss on my cheek and a warm hug. WOW! His love for me outweighed his pride. He’ll never know how much that meant to me or that that moment will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I imagine that God felt the same way this morning. Brennan and I had rushed out the door at the last minute and hadn’t said our usual morning prayer together. So as we crossed the street, Brennan led out loud and unashamedly. I found myself noticing the neighbor in his driveway and wondered if he could hear. What a brave boy! He didn’t seem to care who heard him. The fact is that Brennan’s love for God outweighed his pride. I’m sure God was beaming with love at that moment.

It’s amazing how a simple walk to the bus stop with a 7 year old child can challenge my faith so much. In fact, this morning’s walk left me strongly convicted. How often does my love for God outweigh my pride? The answer, sadly, is not often enough. Too often, I keep my mouth shut when given the opportunity to speak up for Christ, simply because I don’t want others to think I’m a fanatic or “religious”. Too often, I miss an opportunity to share His love through a kind act or prayer because I’m too caught up in myself. Oh how I pray that my love for God will always outweigh my own pride. May I never be ashamed to hold Christ’s hand as I walk through life with Him.