Monday, February 9, 2009

The Rod of God

“Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”
Exodus 17:9 (NIV)

Over the last few weeks a certain picture has been ever present in the back of my mind. My mind’s “wallpaper” shall we say, is a vision of Moses, sitting on a rock with Aaron and Hur standing on either side of him holding up his arms. In his hands, high above his head he holds a staff… a rod. So many times I’ve read Exodus 17 and not thought about why Moses raised his staff in the air. I just skimmed over it and took the details for granted. But the more I study God’s word, the more I realize there is purpose in everything. I began to look back at the history of that staff or rod as it is also referred to.

This was the rod that Moses held in the wilderness when God revealed himself in the burning bush. This was the rod that God miraculously turned into a snake when thrown on the ground and then a rod again when it was picked up. Through it, the Israelites saw the power of God and believed that He had sent Moses to them. Through it, Pharaoh witnessed the power of God displayed. This same rod was held over the Red Sea as God parted it and made a way for his children to be delivered out of bondage. With this rod, Moses struck the rock and fresh water flowed, quenching the thirst of a dry and weary people. This rod was known as the rod of God. It represented the power and miracles of God Almighty.

As Moses looked down over the valley and saw the Israelite army fighting the battle before him, it was the representation of the power of God that was held high above his head for all to see. When it was held high, the Israelites would remember the miracles and power of God in their past and know that it was He who would deliver them once again. As it was lowered in man’s weakness, it became evident that this battle could not be won through their own mortal power and earthly weapons.

So where does that leave me? I don’t have a big stick to hold in the air, but I do have the memories and evidences of the power of God revealed in my life. I look back and recall the times he has delivered me from the hands of my enemies…sickness, depression, fear. I remember the times he has brought refreshing and provision in times of need: physical, emotional and spiritual.

As I said in my post a couple weeks ago, we all face battles in our lives which seem to be so completely overwhelming that we see no hope of victory. It is in those overwhelming moments that we are tempted to forget the power of God and his ability to bring us through. You might say that our arms become weak and we lower the staff from high above our head. These are the times that we must recall the miracles and faithfulness of God and allow brothers and sisters in Christ to come along beside us, holding up our arms, supporting and encouraging one another with testimonies of God’s power.

Recently I find myself surrounded by people in overwhelming situations. Maybe you are the same. I’d like to encourage you to take a moment to ask God to remind you of the works of His power and faithfulness in your life. If it’s something you can share, I’d love to have you share it in the “comments” section here. Your testimony may be just what someone else needs to lift their arms high today.

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