Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Lighter Load

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 (NIV)

The other day, my 10 year old daughter came home with a backpack so heavy, she couldn’t barely drag it a few footsteps to the kitchen counter for me to look at its contents. I picked it up. GOOD GRIEF! That thing weighed a ton. Well, maybe not a ton, but I put it on the scale and it did way 25% of my little girl’s total body weight! This wasn’t the first time my husband and I have had discussions about this crazy backpack. Just the day before Dan watched in amazement as she lifted the backpack to her shoulder and spun around 3 times before she could balance the weight. When she finally did, she couldn’t stand upright. He had to chuckle a bit despite his disgust at his precious little girl having to carry such a load. The decision was made that the next day I would go find her a backpack with wheels.

Rather than make her carry that load to school the next morning, I removed two heavy books and a recorder (for music class). I sent a note to her teacher explaining the situation and asked that she be able to share books with another student if necessary that day. I thought Lauren would be thrilled when she lifted the bag to find it 5 pounds lighter. WRONG! She fought for the weight. “But Mom, we need those books! I have to have my recorder! If I don’t leave it in my backpack, I’ll forget it on music class day. It will affect my grade! NO! I need them!” She actually fought to carry the load. I really had to stick to my guns. I just couldn’t let her carry it. She might hurt herself! Something was wrong with this picture.

I didn’t get it until I realized that Lauren is a lot like me. I carry a load much heavier than necessary all the time: guilt, anxiety, fear, judgment, a schedule hurried for the tasks that I’m certain must be completed to please others and even God. I pack more and more into my bag until I walk through life hunched under the weight I've placed on my own shoulders. All the while, God is saying, “Let me take that. I have a much lighter load for you. It’s easy to carry.” My response? “No! I might need that today. Someone, maybe even you, might be disappointed if I don’t complete that task. If I don’t worry about tomorrow’s provision, who will?”

The difference is that Father God doesn’t demand that he lighten my load. If I choose to, he’ll let me carry it; gently urging all the while, “Come to me Heather. You’re weary and burdened. I’ll give you rest. Take my ‘pack’ on your shoulders. Learn from me. Find rest for your soul. My pack is easy and my burden is light.” Until wearily, with strained and soar muscles, I willingly come to Him and place my pack at His feet.
(from Matthew 11:28-30)


The Vrugginks said...

This post encouraged me so much - thank you Heather!!!

Kathy said...

I figure that the only time I need to carry 25% of my weight anywhere is if I'm going backpacking! Which I'm NOT.

I know what you mean, Heather. So many times I take on myself responsibilities that I really don't have to OWN as mine. Isn't God patient with us?

In your Scriptures Jesus says, "...I am gentle...and Kathy will find rest for her soul."


Love & prayers, Kathy :o)

Little Bug said...

Hi Heather ~
Once again, you're preachin' to the choir....But, boy did I need your perspective and your encouragement. May the days ahead be lighter and more lovely with each passing moment.
Love and miss you my friend,
PS ~ Let me know about your trip out to WA....We, of course, would love to make it onto your schedule of events.