Monday, January 12, 2009

Pull up a rock!

“When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up – one on one side, one on the other – so that his hands remained steady till sunset.”
Exodus 17:12 (NIV)

I was recently talking with a dear friend, and although our time together was precious and joyful, I was also heart broken as she began to share with me the depth of difficulties she and her family are facing. One of her children has a degenerative disease with many accompanying complications. Their family has stood firmly in the strength of the Lord for years and trusted Him for healing. They have waited patiently. The last couple of years, however, have proven to be almost too much to bear. The diagnosis has changed, the complications have worsened and their strength is wearing thin. I listened as my friend shared with me how difficult it has become to even pray the simplest prayer in the morning. They are tired.

As I later shared the gravity of the situation with my husband, and told him how difficult it had even become for them to pray, he immediately and simply stated “Then they don’t have to. We will do it for them!” The conviction with which he spoke struck me.

I was reminded of Exodus 17 when the Amalekites attacked Israel. As long as Moses held up his hands with the staff of God, Joshua and the Israelite army were winning. But when his hands came down, the Israelites began to lose. The fact is, even the strongest man of God needed the support of those around him. So what did his closest friends and supporters do? They pulled up a rock for him to sit on, allowing him to have some rest. Then they stood, not behind him, but on either side of him, and lifted his hands high. They supported the weight he had to hold until the battle was over.

I know God was showing the Israelites that it was by his power that they won the battle, but there is so much more there. This is what we as the body of Christ are called to do for one another. The fact is, most of us, if not all of us, will at some point in our lives face a trial or difficulty that becomes so heavy and tiresome that we can’t seem to even pray anymore. We run out of words and the energy to speak them. That is when our brothers and sisters in Christ must provide some rest and come along side of us to support the weight that we carry. It isn’t enough to say, “I’m here for you,” or “I’m behind you all the way.” NO! It is our responsibility to face the trial head on beside each other and support the weight. Pray as if it is our own need. Cry out to God as if crying out for our own child! Intercede and offer up our prayers to the One who ultimately lifts the weight upon Himself.

Please know that if you are facing a battle and can't seem to pray anymore, it’s alright. Allow others to support you so that you can continue. Even Moses needed help. If you are one who has a friend despairing, pull up a rock and lift them up in prayer!

My friend! You know who you are. I want you to know that you are not facing this battle alone! My family is committed to you. We have pulled up a rock for you. Sit down and feel the rest and renewed strength that is coming as we, and I'm sure many others, lift your arms up.


Little Bug said...

Heather ~
How timely....How Spiritled this post has been. I know we have not spoken by word in a while, but I know our hearts have communicated clearly the state of affairs at the current moment. I am needing the rock to find rest and I am in need of your arms to lift me up. There is an army out there lifting us up, I am sure of that, but just the nature of you posting this entry has been encouragement to me that God is listening and He is calling the body to lift up our family. I don't know who your friend is that you mentioned in this post, but I can relate and I can empathize. My heart aches for them as well. I will not lie, I don't have the spiritual strength right now to bear this burden with them, but I will hold them dearly in my heart and pray as the Lord may direct. Please know that the God of all Grace & Peace has truly used you this day to bring light back into my heart.
The Battle Belongs To The Lord,

Candy Bennett said...

How beautiful Heather. I used this example for my group of girls at our women's bible study this week. It is a great challenge to all of us. Love you! Carry one ;)

Mel Bennett said...

my daughter whom I love,

If for no other reason than the encouragement to one person, this blog is a success.

Love you, Dad