Monday, January 26, 2009

A Little Dusting of Hope

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
Colossians 1:27 (NIV)

Here it is, January 26 in Northern VA and still no snow. What is going on? The kids had 2 days off of school last week and the weather forecast called for a slight chance of snow. So, we packed up our snow gear and headed to a friend's house to anxiously await the snow. We were sorely disappointed when all we saw were a few flurries in the car on the way. NOTHING! My kids had almost completely lost hope of any snow days when just this morning, while getting ready for school....SNOW! I mean real snow. Not just a flurry. SNOW! Within 20 minutes there was enough to make the street white. So in the few spare minutes before leaving for school, the kids were out on the deck, gathering small handfuls off of the patio table and catching flakes on their tongues and eyelashes. Yes, the snow was short lived. Within 2 hours, the streets were black again and all evidence of snow was gone, but that little bit of snow was all it took to instill hope in their sweet little hearts. YES! Snow is coming!

Isn't it the same with most of us? Maybe for you and I it isn't snow, but something much bigger and life changing: a husband, a family, financial security, a scriptural promise, the fulfillment of God's calling in your life, healing... The list has infinite possibilities. We wait, wait, wait until we have just about exhausted our ability to wait any longer. Hope wanes and we begin to believe it will never happen.

I would like to offer you a little "dusting of snow" if I may. A little something to instill hope in your heart. God is still God and He reigns eternally! He is in control and knows every detail of your life and situation. On top of that, he knows, desires and plans what is best for your life.

I pray that each person reading this knows Christ personally and therefore can stand firm knowing that Christ within you is "the hope of glory". What more could we hope for than for eternity with Him in the fullness of His glory? All hopes are fulfilled in HIM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your comments. The Lord is using you to encourage so many people--myself included. Also, thank you for the pictures--it adds a warm-fuzzy feeling. Love, Mom